Fresh Infusions

When you just fancy a caffeine free infusion, a months old, tasteless teabag from a dusty supermarket shelf is not ideal. Our loose infusions are packed with natural ingredients for a full on flavour experience to wake those taste buds! Our collection ranges from the well known Chamomile or Moroccan Peppermint to the super fruity Orange & Passionfruit and Strawberry & Kiwi - they all make super refreshing caffeine-free drinks - hot, cold or chilled.  

We brew ours in a clean, warm cafetière so we can see the wonderful colours and flavours infuse. 

Use a heaped teaspoon per cup with freshly boiled water. As with all teas and infusions - keep in a dry cool place. Always reseal the bag to keep airtight to preserve the delicious scents and flavours.